6-Day React Course: Build an E-Commerce App

Course Overview

By the end of the course, participants will have built a fully functional e-commerce app with features like product listing, cart functionality, and a checkout system.


6 Days

Daily Commitment

2.5 hours

Skill Level

Beginner to Intermediate

Course Structure

Introduction to React and Project Setup

Day 1


  • Basics of React: Components, JSX, and Props
  • Introduction to React Developer Tools
  • Setting up the development environment with Vite or Create React App
  • Understanding project structure and folder organization
  • Starting the e-commerce project


Create a static homepage with a welcome message and navigation links (e.g., Home, Products, Cart).

What You'll Learn

Build a complete e-commerce app from scratch
Master React fundamentals and hooks
Implement state management with Context API
Create responsive layouts with modern CSS techniques
Handle routing in a single-page application
Deploy a React application to a live server

Ready to Get Started?

Join us on this exciting journey to build your own e-commerce app with React!